Southeast Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
4302 East Southcross Blvd.
San Antonio, TX 78222
Bexar County
Facility Description
- Total Bed Count: 116
- Accepts Medicare: Yes
- Accepts Medicaid: Yes
- Alzheimer Certification: No
Ownership Information
- Owner: Hamilton County Hospital District
The most recent comprehensive inspection of Southeast Nursing & Rehabilitation Center occurred on January 13, 2024, 24 violations of state standards were cited.
Federal Standards compliance information can be found at CMS' Nursing Home Compare.
(May include findings from previous inspections)
Health Code
Date | Corrected | State Violation Cited |
01/13/2024 | 01/15/2024 | The facility did not get rid of garbage properly. |
01/13/2024 | 01/15/2024 | The facility did not keep accurate and appropriate records. |
01/13/2024 | 01/26/2024 | The facility did not keep safe, clean and homelike surroundings. |
01/13/2024 | 01/15/2024 | The facility did not make sure that residents with loss of bladder control receive treatment or service to prevent infections and help get normal bladder control. |
01/13/2024 | 01/15/2024 | The facility did not make sure that the nursing home area is free of dangers that cause accidents. |
01/13/2024 | 01/15/2024 | The facility did not prevent significant medication errors. |
01/13/2024 | 01/15/2024 | The facility did not provide drugs and related services needed by each resident. |
01/13/2024 | 01/15/2024 | The facility did not store, cook, and give out food in a safe and clean way. |
01/13/2024 | 01/15/2024 | The facility failed to coordinate with the referring entity to ensure the RE completed a PL1. |
01/13/2024 | 01/14/2024 | The facility failed to establish and maintain an infection control program. |
01/13/2024 | 01/19/2024 | The facility failed to follow the requirements of Texas law regarding advance directives. |
01/13/2024 | 01/15/2024 | The facility failed to have the comprehensive care plan reviewed and revised by qualified persons after each assessment. |
01/13/2024 | 01/26/2024 | The facility failed to include in the care plan services that will be provided to the resident. |
01/13/2024 | 01/15/2024 | The facility failed to make sure call cords for the nurse call system were reachable from each bed, toilet or bathroom. |
01/13/2024 | 01/15/2024 | The facility failed to make sure that drugs are stored properly and only authorized persons have access. |
01/13/2024 | 01/15/2024 | The facility failed to provide residents with care and services related to activities of daily living. |
Life Safety Code
Date | Corrected | State Violation Cited |
01/10/2024 | 02/10/2024 | The facility failed to formulate, adopt, and enforce smoking policies that also take into account non-smoking residents. |
01/10/2024 | 01/15/2024 | The facility failed to make sure exterior doors can be kept open in emergency and to make sure no one was locked out. |
01/10/2024 | 02/10/2024 | The facility failed to make sure smoke barriers are constructed correctly to prevent the spread of smoke. |
01/10/2024 | 02/24/2024 | The facility failed to make sure there are insect screens on any window that can be opened and that all exterior doors are sealed against the weather. |
01/10/2024 | 02/09/2024 | The facility failed to make sure walls and ceilings are easily cleaned and are kept looking nice and neat. |
01/10/2024 | 02/01/2024 | The facility failed to meet the National Electrical Code and to follow lighting guidelines in the Lighting Handbook. |
01/10/2024 | 02/10/2024 | The facility failed to provide ashtrays of noncombustible material and safe design in all areas where smoking is permitted. |
01/10/2024 | 01/15/2024 | The facility failed to the meet Life Safety Code requirements for an existing Health Care Occupancy. |
Enforcement Actions
No enforcement actions found.
To be consistent with federally reported quality of care information, this site links to each facility's information on the federal Nursing Home Compare website.
View this facility's information on CMS' Nursing Home Compare.
Data available as of: January 23, 2025
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