An Effective Monitoring Procedure

Below is an example of a facility's monitoring procedure for a deficiency for inadequately monitoring the training services at the individualized skills and socialization (ISS) center.

The administrator will verify through weekly QIDP notes that the QIDP is monitoring training and services at the ISS center.

The administrator will maintain an ISS center Log that includes specific information, such as:

  • Date of observation;
  • Individual's name;
  • IDT objectives and steps;
  • Progress/lack of progress/regression notes; and
  • Investigation follow-up.

Note: This is an abbreviated example.

Having a monitoring procedure will ensure that the system corrections are effective.


A monitoring system a facility may establish to ensure that the system corrections are effective:

  • The administrator will verify through daily review of facility incident reports that the QIDP investigates all non-serious injuries of unknown origin.
  • The administrator will maintain a Non-Reportable Injuries of Unknown Origin Log that includes the date of the incident, the name of the individual, the injuries sustained, the suspected cause, IDT intervention when the individual's family was notified, the date that the completed investigation was submitted, and if any issues needed follow up.