Licensure and Certification
All ICFs are federally certified. Many are both certified and licensed by the state. Non-licensed facilities, such as state-supported living centers (SSLCs) and local intellectual and developmental disability authorities (LIDDAs), are certified only.
The state of Texas surveys ICFs to ensure the facility is in compliance with the rules and regulations.
State licensure is based on the Texas Administrative Code (TAC). 26 TAC Chapter 551 contains the ICF licensing standards.
State Standards of Participation are based on the Texas Administrative Code (TAC). 26 TAC Chapter 551 and 26 TAC Chapter 261 contain the State Standards of Participation.
Federal certification is based on the U. S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and requirements established through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
The State Operations Manual (SOM) Appendix J, contains information on certification requirements for ICF programs and the survey process.