State Violations

A flag with a star on itDescription automatically generated​​​​Facilities licensed by the state of Texas must comply with 26 TAC Chapter 551 which is based on Chapter 252 of the Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC).

Facilities that are not licensed by the state must meet specific federal requirements and three subchapters of 26 TAC Chapter 551:

  • Subchapter C—Standards for Licensure;
  • Subchapter D—General Requirements for Facility Construction; and
  • Subchapter F—Inspections, Surveys, and Visits.

A licensing violation is a failure on the part of a state-licensed facility to meet these requirements.

State Violation Forms

HHS Form 3724 is a licensure violation form for documenting failure to comply with state requirement M tags and federal Life Safety Code (LSC) K tags.

HHS Form 3724, Statement of Licensing Violations and Plan of Correction, specifies the violation(s) identified during a survey or investigation. It also supports the citation with evidence about how the facility failed to comply with state requirements.

The State Standards for Participation (S tags) are rules pertaining to compliance with contractual requirements. The HHS Form 3724 is used to document the violations.