Health and Safety Training Requirements

Employee Training


Employee training serves as the backbone for ensuring the Child Care Development Block Grant's health and safety initiative is successful. As a result, Texas Child Care Licensing has amended and added employee training requirements related to child care health and safety. The table below summarizes the new requirements for Before and After School Programs and Child Care Centers (chapters 744 & 746).

Summary of Changes


D. 744.1303(a)(3), (a)(4) & (b)

- adds specification to cover risk factors, warning signs and reporting procedures for abuse and neglect and identification of community organizations that have training available

- specifies requirement to share emergency preparedness plan with employees

- adds orientation for all new employees must cover administering medication, preventing and responding to food allergy emergencies, understanding building and physical premises safety; handling, storing and disposing of hazardous materials; and precautions for transporting children if your operation provides transportation for children whose chronological or developmental age is younger than nine years old

D. 746.1303(a)(3), (a)(4) & (b)

Pre-Service Training

D. 744.1305(7)

- specifies requirement to cover preventing and controlling the spread of communicable diseases, including immunizations

D. 746.1305(a)(7), (b)(1)(2)

- specifies requirement to cover preventing and controlling the spread of communicable diseases, including immunizations

- adds requirement to cover abusive head trauma in addition to Shaken Baby Syndrome

- specifies requirement to cover understanding and using safe sleep practices in addition to SIDS

Pre-Service Exemptions

D. 744.1307(2)

- adds that new employees must have at least 8 hours of documented training from another regulated operation in the areas outlined in pre-service training requirements to qualify for exemption

D. 746.1307(2)

- specifies training obtained from another regulated operation must cover the topics required in pre-service training to qualify for exemption

Annual Training (Directors and Caregivers

D. 744.1309(d), (e)(8) & (f)

D. 744.1311(d) & (i)

- adds requirement to cover emergency preparedness; preventing and controlling the spread of communicable diseases, including immunizations; administering medication, if applicable; preventing and responding to emergencies due to food or an allergic reaction; understanding building and physical premises safety, including identification and protection from hazards that can cause bodily injury such as electric hazards, bodies of water, and vehicular traffic; and handling, storing and disposing of hazardous materials

- specifies that no more than 80% of annual training hours may be obtain through self-instructional training and no more than three hours of the self-instructional training may come from a person reading written materials or watching a video on their own

D. 746.1309(e)(1)(2),(f) & (h)

D. 746.1311(e), (f) & (k)

- adds the required one clock hour for caregivers who provide care for children younger than 24 months of age also cover recognizing and preventing abusive head trauma, and understanding and using safe sleep practices

- adds requirement to cover emergency preparedness; preventing and controlling the spread of communicable diseases, including immunizations; administering medication, if applicable; preventing and responding to emergencies due to food or an allergic reaction; understanding building and physical premises safety, including identification and protection from hazards that can cause bodily injury such as electric hazards, bodies of water, and vehicular traffic; and handling, storing and disposing of hazardous materials

- specifies that no more than 80% of annual training hours may be obtain through self-instructional training and no more than three hours of the self-instructional training may come from a person reading written materials or watching a video on their own


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